If you are applying for a residence permit, you can declare your place of residence as you choose:
- through the Migration Department, at the time of the reserved visit, by presenting the original documents and biometric data attached to the application for a residence permit;
- at the municipality within 1 month of collecting the residence permit.
When completing the application for a residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania via the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS), you must indicate whether you wish to declare your place of residence via the Migration Department and confirm that you undertake to declare your place of residence in a suitable accommodation, where necessary.
When your declaration of a place of residence is over, you must renew your place of residence. Failure to provide the declaration of the place of residence or submission of false declaration data pursuant to Article 530 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania is punished by a warning or a fine to the residents of the Republic of Lithuania from ten to fourteen euro.
For more information please see: Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė - Declaration of foreign nationals’ place of residence in Vilnius, Declaring a place of reside... | International House Vilnius (ihvilnius.lt) or FAQ - Migracijos departamentas (migracija.lt).
Foreigners can declare their place of residence in the Migration Department (when collecting residence permit card) or they may do this in the eldership, where they plan to live. Foreigners must declare the place of residence within one month after obtaining residence card.
For more information please see: Registering as a resident (renkuosilietuva.lt), Declaring a place of reside... | International House Vilnius (ihvilnius.lt) and Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė - Declaration of foreign nationals’ place of residence in Vilnius.